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Update news

4x4 Mania

4.23.01: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Added a new map - Badlands, complete with 9 missions and 25 trails

- Added a new project vehicle - the ROCKY, available via special missions on Badlands

- Added variants and more customization to the 2FIDDY

- Added a new dune buggy variant for the BEACH ROACH

- Added a new vehicle - the STEED

- Added a few deep dish style rims

- Added a premium vehicle store with maxed pre-builts

- Added a button to reset setup and wheels to the prebuilt state for non-stock vehicles acquired after this update.

- Added colorable beadlocks and rock rings that automatically reduce your tire pressure a bit when installed

- Added a few daily races and missions featuring the new vehicles and reworked existing ones to incorporate new features

- Added setup toggles to allow for lower spring length for lowering vehicles

- Added a FB group link in the main menu and a warning button if the user doesn’t have persistent accounts linked

- Reworked lighting on all maps

- Increased draw distance on higher quality settings

- Sideways tire grip adjustments to reduce vehicles flipping suddenly, sensible builds will have much more time to correct the flip before it happens

- Adjusted overall tire grip a bit

- Increased max tire size for the Foreman

- Expanded Arena, added 2 more quarter mile drag strips, added a few suspension tester strips

- Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate wheel simulation at slow speed

- Other various fixes

4.21.00: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Added 3 new vehicles, the FOREMAN, the CRICKET, and the MAMMOTH EV, the FOREMAN has 8 variations to select from at the dealer

- New map: Swamp (beta)

- Made asphalt grip better across the board

- Adjusted upgraded vehicle power output across the board to have a more even playing field

- Added wheelbase stretching (from suspension level 3, adjustment range depends on vehicle type and suspension type)

- Added cinematic camera (set controls opacity to lowest to have it almost completely disappear in cinematic mode)

- Increased the amount and speed of exhaust smoke

- Adjusted the suspension adjustment range on the EDGE

- Fixed a bug where the vehicle would go to neutral repeatedly

- Fixed a bug where the touchscreen buttons would release randomly (throttle bug)

- Reduced menu load times on some devices

- Fixed several other bugs

4.20.20: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Made the final drive adjustment be able to go a couple notches lower

- Worked on garage data loading order to hopefully prevent the game ignoring it (resulting in the game starting over with cash intact but vehicles gone)

- Fixed vehicles not being cleaned by water and not getting dirty in deep mud

- Fixed some weird skidding in place effects due to clutch miscalculations

- Fixed misaligned axles on the NOMAD

- More prominent mud particles

- Reworked some backend stuff to keep better backups of your data

- Added barriers to arena to prevent some types of ramming on the drag strips, disallowed winching on and around drag strips

- Added persistent player muting - now if you mute a player, it’ll save across games

- Fixed the headlights flickering on the WARRIOR

- Fixed race and derby reward not matching displayed reward 

- Fixed ‘Mission complete’ appearing for races and derbies

- Somewhat smoothed the jump ramps on Arena races

- Increased the engine performance of the NOMAD to match other V8s

- Slightly increased drive ratios for the MAMMOTH and increased engine torque a bit

4.20.04: Fixes and balancing

- Fixed issue where devices would ignore cloud save files in favor of outdated local ones

- Greatly reduced save file size, which will help with faster data uploads and lower likelihood of data loss

- Added an indicator of when data is saving to inform players about inopportune times to close the game

- Fixed some login flow errors

- Made stage and pre-stage areas on drag strips wider and easier to manage

- Made christmas trees larger

- Added rear facing scoreboards to drag strips

- Fixed the mile strip lines

- Slight performance improvements in the menu and gameplay with certain vehicles

- Raised the EDGE’s max speed considerably, softened its shocks defaults

- Mission, trail and race rewards raised considerably

- Added wheelie bars to several vehicles

- Events give more gold  

- Randomly created rooms will not start in night mode

- Allowed RWD burnouts if brake bias is all the way forward (still a bit buggy)

- Fixed controller handbrake not disconnecting clutch

- Drag lanes will now reset if empty and someone pre-stages

- Bumped up some stats on the 2FIDDY, the FULLSIZE5 and the LABORER, adjusted their weight

- Made 2 crates spawn at a time in online mode

- Fixed other players’ cars floating up online

- Added info texts for Crates, Tire Types, Multiplayer Muting, Drag Strips, and Game Controllers

- Made engines audible from further away 

4.20.00: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

Big content update with several new vehicles, new features and a big expansion to the Arena map.

- Added 3 new vehicles: the “EDGE” side-by-side (with a working CVT), the “LABORER” SUV with a ton of customization, including complete rear end swaps and truggy builds, and the “LTV” ATV featuring floating wheels and tank steer, and it has to be obtained via a series of missions starting on Desert.

- Added a big expansion to Arena with working drag strips (pre-stage, stage lights included. If both lanes are pre-staged, they sync up their tree lights). The strips come in 1/4 mile and 1 mile on asphalt, and there are 3 1/8 mile strips on various surfaces (grass, mud, sand). There are also now a bunch of stunt ramps on the map, including quarter, half and full pipes, loops, etc. 

- Added night mode for all maps. To enter night mode, check the Night checkbox before going on a map, and for multiplayer night is assigned randomly to random rooms, or can be selected manually when creating one. You can complete missions and trails in night mode as well, but not races, since the bots haven’t found out how to turn on the headlights yet.

- Added colorable working lights to all vehicles, including additional lights and lightbars you install as parts. Light intensity depends on the number of lights you have installed as well.

- Separated suspension and wheel setup for front/rear.

- Added 2 new currencies - Gold and Rare Parts. Gold can be used to purchase vehicles, upgrades, and consumables. Rare parts can be used to purchase specific special mission unlocks and specific high level vehicles and parts. Gold is earned by winning and destroying opponent vehicles (if they’re the same level as your vehicle or higher) in races and derbies, completing trails faster than par time, and by finding it in crates. Rare Parts can be earned by completing trails extremely quickly (Faster than par time by the same factor as par time is faster than time limit), winning a derby while destroying all opponent vehicles while having the same or lower vehicle level as them, winning a race while destroying an opponent vehicle, and finding them in crates.

- Added 7 consumable items you can use to temporarily boost your performance that you can buy for Gold in the Items store section.

- Added crates with randomized rewards onto levels (excluding Arena), in which you can find Points, Gold, Rare Parts and various consumables, depending on their rarity.

- Reworked some existing models a bit in preparation for parts overhauls (for instance, you’ll notice the “YOTER” has a modelled frame, engine, and other underbody parts, and is a bit cleaner looking in general).

- Worked on derby scoring and placement a bit, now if you have the same amount of destructions as an AI vehicle, you will get a higher spot than them, giving you the win in some cases. Also reworked an annoying glitch where destructions would be attributed to the last hit rigid body which in some cases was a tire stack. So those pesky tire stacks will stop stealing your glory.

- Halved over-inflated derby destruction rewards, instead adding Gold rewards for them, and Rare Parts if you destroy every opponent vehicle while not outleveling them.

- Reworked how the game calculates displayed vehicle speed and made it consistent with MPH and KM/H, which is now displayed and can be selected in the controls settings menu. 

- Raised stock and low level vehicle maximum speed to be a bit more realistic and consistent with the reworked speed measurements. Overall vehicle speed has increased, despite the perceived numbers, especially in MPH.

- Raised overall tire grip, especially at lower level, while keeping maxed tire grip close to what it was.

- Added 2 new tire models 

- Tire models now affect grip per surface type, as shown in the wheel customization menu 

- Added a flex testing rig in the vehicle customization menu

- Added the ability to upgrade and change setups while in online free roam

- Limited account renaming to once per day to thwart some online griefing

- Added 2 more engine upgrade levels, purchasable with Gold and Rare Parts. These are not relevant for most crawling and mission applications, but you might want the extra power if you race a lot.

- Added 4 special missions that demonstrate the LTV’s capabilities, and provide progress to the one you get as a project vehicle.

- Added social login with Facebook and Sign in with Apple, you can now link those to your account for account recovery, and login to them after reinstalling the game on any device. You can’t go online from 2 devices on the same game account though.

- Refreshed daily challenge vehicle setups to be more interesting and unique, reworked the daily mission system a bit to hopefully prevent some of the issues some players experienced.

- Readjusted most Racers dealership vehicles.

- Added a Game Info section in the Info menu with help messages in regards to the game functionality, some of them are placed in game menus as well with a [?] button.


- Fixed incorrect stats display in the dealership


- Fixed issue where AI would hang in the air in races and derbies


- Added setup options to remove winch, change winch speed, and detune the engine

- Fixed giant winches

- Fixed derby on Android

- Fixed offline mode on Android

4.11.08: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Adjusted mud hole and water physics

- Increased hydroplaning effect

- Fixed Arena races getting mixed up

- Reworked the AI a bit, especially on lower difficulties

- Upgraded winches made stronger

- Added auto rotation (in quality settings)

- Fixed muting

- Performance optimizations


- Added slight hydroplaning effect at high speeds

- Made mud holes a bit easier

- Fixes for some frequent crashes and freezes

- Somewhat improved general performance with multiple vehicles on the level

- Fixed trees becoming indestructible

4.11.03: Hotfix #2 for 4.11 This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Reverted online play sync system due to numerous issues with the new one

- Fixed some More of the new errors.

- Crab walk steering now full parallel

- Online spawn locations won't intersect between players

4.11.01: Hotfix #1 for 4.11

- Fixed iCloud saving not working

- Fixed some of the new errors.

4.11.00: This update's multiplayer won't be compatible with older versions due to sync changes, so make sure your friends update too!

- Added all wheel steering for vehicles with both wheel level 5+ and suspension level 5

- Added another mud hole on Forest and made the existing one larger and more difficult

- Slight multiplayer performance improvements

- Vehicle dirtiness syncs better over multiplayer

- Lowered winch and wheel upgrade prices

- Fixed vehicle price calculation

- Fixed RPM climbing while idle on high tq motors

- Added vehicle icons to the "Manage Garage" screen

- Fixed crawl trail starter numbers misbehaving on the maps

- Added slippery collision to running boards and rock sliders

- Added cruise control

- New sound for the "HAULER"

- Fixed license plates on the "DEPUTY"

- Enlarged the "NOMAD" 

- Adjusted engine torque curves and power calculation, players may need to readjust gearing

- Fixed a bug where crawl trails would not get unlocked properly

- Experimental fix for the data corruption bug where players would get stuck on the loading screen with the "Store Support" button

- Added derby free for all areas to maps where rules aren't enforced

- Rules also not enforced in private rooms

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